EMDR, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, therapy is a neurobiological trauma treatment method developed by Francine Shapiro in the mid-90s. Shapiro states about EMDr that it “reduces the negative charge” off of a memory.

To explain how EMDR works more in detail, it is that there is a problem in processing experiences and moving them from one type of memory system to the other which happens usually automatically. In our regular daily life, people go about their routine not consciously thinking about the next thing to do because the implicit memory or “working memory” or “unintentional” system is in force. The implicit memories are not the ones we purposefully try to memorize. Studied and purposeful memory is the explicit memory. Trauma experiences can easily not get encoded and processed from the explicit to the implicit memeory. This happens partly because cortisol flooding at the time of the trauma. EMDR re-processes the trauma in order to file the memory where it belongs and thusly, the person no longer experiences trauma symtoms such as re-experiencing (flashbacks). It becomes easier to mitigate other trauma symptoms such as avoidance, irritability and hyperarousal as well.

Doing EMDR treatment too soon can increase dyregulation. It is important to know that trauma symptoms cause emotional dysregulation. Part of EMDR treatment is helping a person to learn skills to regulate and self soothe. Introductory assessment of EMDR treatment readiness must also be included.

The good news is that EMDR can work quickly to provide emotional relief from symptoms. Please feel free to make an inquiry at Cohesion Counsleing to see if this treatment is right for you.