Reaction to Trauma

Reaction to Trauma

Reaction to Trauma Originally Published at Pasadena Villa The underpinning principles of recovery are about improving our spiritual condition. But what creates the suffering in life that breaks down our spirit and thus, our spiritual condition? And how are the soul...
Home for the Holidays

Home for the Holidays

HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS Original Posting at Journey Pure  As the family member of a loved one who has freshly finished alcohol/drug treatment, you may be wondering what you should or shouldn’t say or do during a holiday gathering.  It’s a new day for the family dynamics...
Emotional Blackmail

Emotional Blackmail

EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL Most addicts and alcoholics have a built-in, well-refined ability to emotionally manipulate others. Since the people that are in close relationships with them are usually caught between hope and fear, the manipulation takes on a dysfunctional lock...

“The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.”
–Psalm 34:18

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Shame Blamers

Shame Blamers

SHAME BLAMERS A good friend in the “Bongo Girls” coffee group coined a fabulous term in a group coffee session…”Shame Blamers”. (Thank you Kari Estrin at I am not totally sure what she meant, but I am going to write a...
Healthy Codependency?

Healthy Codependency?

HEALTHY CODEPENDENCY? When the word codependency comes up in the therapy room, people often say “Everyone’s codependent.”  And I usually agree. Really. It’s true, it seems most people have this feature to some degree.  So what does this term really...